Maybe if I post 4 times a year - spring, summer, fall & winter...
Fall happenings: last night Mandy & Lychelle picked me up to play church vollyball. That was really fun. No pictures though so you'll have to use your imagination, you could picture me spiking the ball. Maybe if enough of us picture it, it will really happen next week.
Last week I attempted to hike the backside of Timp. (the highest mountain near us, for those of you unfamiliar) Attempted meaning after 3 1/2 hours, I decided to head back down. I called Eric and he rescued me and we had lunch at Sundance. My left big toe nail is black & blue. Hiking is not for sissys - good shoes are important, I need to remember that.
I'm back to teaching my early morning yoga classes. Mon. and Wed. at 6:15... I love it.
Fall - Football. Here is J.J. and his daddy. He's on the 4th grade team and loving it. Zane also plays on the 7th grade team. It's been so fun to go to their games. And of course, I'm loving BYU this year!!